Functional Training - Officina del Corpo

GFM – Ground Force Method . Kettle Bell Training . Barbel Training . Body Weight Training . TRX . Pilates . Flexible Steel


The purpose of Functional Training is to develop a beautiful, harmonious and strong body through exercises that recall the basic functions for which you were born; for this reason, paths are created that are as close as possible to what the human body does by nature.

In recent years, in Italian gyms, more and more frequently, we hear about functional training and more and more often we see areas dedicated to this training, where it is no longer the aesthetically beautiful and exorbitant machinery that dictates the law, but an environment Spartan where you can do free body exercises and with simple tools, Fitball, Medicine Balls, TRX, Kettlebell, Bulgarian Bags, Clave, Ropes for the Jumpe Rope, bar for tractions. A movement is said to be functional when it reflects the gestures of everyday life, natural movements made thanks to the synergistic contraction of different muscle groups.

The purpose of this training is to develop a beautiful, harmonious and strong body through exercises that recall the basic functions for which you were born; for this reason, paths are created that are as close as possible to what the human body does by nature.

Functional training is at 360 ° where not only a characteristic is required, and where specificity is not requested.

Being functional means being strong, reactive, agile, fast, elastic, coordinated, thanks to the fact that new motor patterns are acquired through multiple and increasingly difficult motor experiences (progression is fundamental in Functional Training). Functional training certainly does not represent a trend of the moment desired to disappear next season, so come and try.