TRX Suspension Training

Physiotherapist and Personal Trainer: Cristina Bersanini

TRX Suspension Training – Suspension Training was born in the Navy SEALS, bodyweight exercise with Suspension Training simultaneously develops strength, balance, flexibility and stability of the central part of the body.

It is the best and most original training system that uses gravity and body weight to perform hundreds of exercises. You decide how much to train with each exercise, as you can simply adjust your body position to increase or decrease the resistance.

TRX Suspension Training:

  • It offers a complete, fast and effective workout for the whole body.
  • It helps you get a rock solid core body.
  • Increase muscle endurance.
  • It is suitable for people of all fitness levels (from professional athletes to seniors).
  • It can be mounted anywhere (gym, home, hotel and outdoors).

TRX Suspension Training is able to offer better performance and functionality than large exercise machines costing thousands of dollars using your body weight.


Thousands of people of all fitness levels train now with TRX – from ordinary people who simply want to feel better and look good to the world’s top athletes. The TRX is used daily by members of the four divisions of the US military and can be found in the locker rooms of:

  • Teams from the first American baseball division.
  • National baseball league teams.
  • Wrestlers.
  • Olympic-level cyclists, swimmers and runners.